Participatory Design and Early Deployment of DarumaTO-3 Social Robot


With the problem of ageing population increasingly prominent, the burden of families, caregivers and medical workers to take care of older adults will be heavier. Social exclusion and cognitive dysfunctions make things worse, especially in times of a pandemic. One of the most effective approaches to solve these problems can be technology, which application is often limited by the acceptance of the end user. We introduce a social robot, DarumaTO-3, whose appearance is inspired by a traditional Buddhist and Shinto doll called Daruma, and perform a preliminary test in which we hear the response from older adults. This paper describes this new robot prototype, and reports the feedback received from the early deployment with 44 Japanese older adults.

2022 Social Robotics: 14th International Conference (ICSR)
Yegang Du
Yegang Du
Assistant Professor

My research interests include intelligent system, HCI, AIoT, and pervasive computing.