Reading Activity Recognition in Smart RF-Library


n the library, recognizing the behaviors of readers can better excavate the reading habit of the readers and bring convenience to the book management. We present the design and implementation of a reading activity recognition approach utilizing passive RFID tags. By collecting and analyzing phase value distribution feature, our approach can recognize which book has been picked up. We give a detailed analysis of factors that can affect phase value in theory and combine these factors with relevant activities. And then we infer the activities in real time through monitoring the phase of tags. Besides, we implement our approach with off-the-shelf RFID equipment.

2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)
Yegang Du
Yegang Du
Assistant Professor

My research interests include intelligent system, HCI, AIoT, and pervasive computing.

Yuto Lim
Yuto Lim
Associate Professor
Yasuo Tan
Yasuo Tan
Vice-President, Professor, CIO, Director of Center for Digitalization Endeavors, Director of Center for Innovative Distance Education and Research, Director of Headquarters for Digital Transformation, Director of Center for Reskill & Recurrent Education